All kinds of activities and policies targeting refugees should be avoided.

All kinds of activities and policies targeting refugees should be avoided.

According to the data of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the number of people forcibly displaced due to war and internal conflicts has exceeded 100 million as of the first half of 2022. The most effective and humane solution to the refugee problem is the preservation of an environment of peace and security .

A refugee is someone fleeing war or persecution . Refugeeism is a phenomenon that has existed in every period of human history and will continue to exist until the environment of war and persecution is over. Therefore , it is the duty of all states and nations of the world to provide an environment of peace and security and to find a humanitarian solution to the refugee problem .

The right to asylum is a fundamental human right. Because this right is directly related to the protection of the right to life. With the 1951 United Nations Geneva Convention Relating to the Legal Status of Refugees, the right to asylum has been clearly stated and the rules that the parties are obliged to comply with in this context have been determined. With the decision taken by the United Nations General Assembly on 4 December 2000, 20 June is celebrated as World Refugee Day every year. We also care that this day is celebrated properly and we consider that solutions to the problems of refugees should be found with the activities held within this scope .

For this reason, we share our findings and recommendations regarding refugees with the public:

1. The main reason for refugees is the environment of war and persecution. Therefore , all states and peoples , especially Interstate Organizations ( UN , EU etc. ) need to increase their efforts to stop wars and establish an environment of peace and security .

2. Necessary sensitivity should be created so that new wars and conflicts do not occur anywhere in the world, and the anti-war public opinion in the world should be supported.

3. Necessary harmonization environment should be ensured so that racist activities and discourses against refugees do not occur in countries where refugees are concentrated. It should not be forgotten that racism is one of the biggest causes of wars that give rise to refugees .

4. All kinds of activities and policies targeting refugees should be avoided.It should not be overlooked that targeting activities lead to internal conflicts and new inhumane acts .

5. On the occasion of the World Refugee Day, which has been celebrated for 21 years, we call on all segments who are in favor of labor, democracy and freedom:

Let’s defend a safe and dignified life for refugees together.


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